Mix Design
Examples of mix specifications
Mix 1,2,3
- Specify
- Designed concrete
- Prescribed concrete
- Standardised Prescribed concrete
- For Designed concrete – see graphic above for main influencing factors
- Mix design approval
- Refer to Form A in EN 206 NA for filling out specification requirements for designed mixes
- Reinforcement cover versus concrete mix trade-off for 50 & 100 year design lives(I.S. EN 206 National Annex – Annex NC)
- Provide all relevant specification information to Producer
- Refer to Form A in EN 206 NA for filling out specification requirements for designed mixes
- Design for most onerous cement content & W/C ratio limiting values
- Refer to graphic for main and minor influences
- Supply all relevant information to:
- Designer for mix approval
- Builder on delivery docket (as per I.S. EN 206)
- Are mix design trials required for this project
Further Guidance
Main Standards – Reference
I.S. EN 206
Form A in NA