Delivery of fresh concrete


- Notification of delivery required for specific testing by R. E. ?
- Procedures for pouring and finishing concrete outside normal site hours

- Communication of delivery requirements – Exchange of information
- Facilities for receiving trucks ; suitability of ground conditions
- Effect of delays:
- Pour preparation not passed
- Slower placing
- Testing arrangements / facilities
- Staffing requirements for finishing of concrete after ‘late’ pours
- Discharge means – truck, skip, pump, dumper etc.
- Advance notice for large pours
- Traffic – rate of delivery slowed at rush hour periods

- Delivery docket details (I.S. EN 206 + NA listing ?)
- Delivery time restrictions : plant and site
- Site limitations impacting on truck size, site truck capacity, location (city centre)
- Delivery rates/volumes agreed?
- Mix adjustments on site (control procedure)
- Acceptance signature on delivery docket
- Limitations on concrete re mix type (e.g. high slump) – impact on delivery , offloading rate etc.
Further Guidance
Main Standards – Reference
I.S. EN 206 + NA
Clause 7 & NA.4